Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It was Dawsons Birthday last Saturday. We had a really fun day. Here is him and his new bike that he got for his Birthday. He is still trying to learn how to ride it but he loves it.

Here is the Birthday boy and his train cake.

We all went for a ride on the Heber Valley Railroad for his Birthday it was a lot of fun. He loved the train ride the most.

I think it is so cute they had a guy dressed like a conductor.

Here we are on the train. I can't believe my boy is three.


Rochelle said...

Wow. How fun!!

Fun Fantastic Family said...

happy birthday to the little guy. Sure hope he liked our gift we put a lot of time into it:) lol

Jason and Laura said...

Ang!! You suck! That cake is so awesome.. my kids are going to feel like they got jipped in a mom :). They'll say... can Angie be our mom! :)

Anonymous said...

haha thats funny tell dawson i love him and you guys are the best!!! best luck with the new gorgeous little girl!!!!!