Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our Christmas started off with our traditional nativity scene it was so cool all 4 of my kids were in it. Bre was Mary Aynslee was the Baby Jesus, Riley was an angel and Dawson was a shepherd it was so cute.

Then Santa came and brought every thing they wanted I hope. Riley's best present was her Leapster.

Bre got a bunch of horse stuff her own grooming kit and helmet and then a wii game and ds game. It is so wierd she doesn't even like toys any more.

Dawson got a big gun and a bunch of other toys. He got way to much stuff but his is a lot cheaper.

here are my kids in there new Christmas outfits.

1 comment:

The Sainsbury Family said...

I love the Christmas outfits! I am glad the kids got spoiled.